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Political Stats



Here is statiscal data that has been analyzied and provided for you.

Political Stats

2016 Current Population Survey (CPS)

Immigrants who have U.S- born children are apptoximately 84.3 million, which is equivalent to 27 percent of the U.S population.

Demographics in 2015

Here is statiscal data that has been analyzied and provided for you. In the images below, it shows the amount of individuals who were born elsewhere compared the amount of indivuals who were born in the United States. The second image shows the amount of people born in the U.S. and out of the U.S. depending on their ethnicity. The last image in this section shows the percentage of indivuals who were born in the United States and who were born out of the states. The percentage of indivuals vary on their age. All of the data below is recorded from the amount of individuals in California.

Political Stats

Political Stats

Political Stats

Total of Undocumented Individuals in the United States of America

Here is statiscal data that has been analyzied and provided for you. The images below show the total amount of undocumented individuals in the United Sates based on their ethnicity.

Political Stats Political Stats

Political Stats Political Stats

Political Stats Political Stats


2016 Current Population Survey (CPS)

Immigrants who have U.S- born children are apptoximately 84.3 million, which is equivalent to 27 percent of the U.S population.

2015 Immigration Data- CNN

In 2015- 462,388 unauthorized immigrants who were over the age of 45 were women.

1,051,031 people were granted with lawful permanent residence

Unauthorized immigrants in the United States tend to be young (61%) between the ages of 25-44.

333,341 Unauthorized immigrants were removed from The United States.

There were 10,688,336 foreign born civilians and 28,456,482 U.S born citizens who lived in California in the year of 2015.